Construct a railway & race a train
In Mexican Railway teams work together to assemble an intricate railway system and then compete against each other in a test of time management, ingenuity and communication. Using materials like zip ties and paper rods, teams work together to construct the railway, section by section. After a quick practice run, teams race their trains to the finish by cooperating and synchronising their movements.
This terrific ice breaker translates cooperative thinking into a spirited breakout session of competition and creative craftsmanship. In order to succeed teams draw on their time management, ingenuity and communication skills. Mexican Railway creates an environment where each member works in unison while trying to stay ahead of the competition. It’s a game that enhances quick thinking at both the individual and group level.
Tout le groupe s'est retrouvé à devoir gérer au mieux la pression du compte à rebours, en prenant les bonnes décisions au bon moment, en adoptant une communication adéquate et en travaillant en équipe. Cette pression a provoquée pas mal de fous rires parmi les participants.